How to program Attiny 85 with arduino uno Attiny programming Step 1: Add Support for the ATtiny85 to the Arduino URL Board Manager By default the Arduino IDE does not support the ATtiny85 it's required to add support for the Attiny85 to the Arduino Board Manager: From the Arduino IDE Go to Arduino->Preferences then scroll down to Additional Board Managers URLs Copy & paste the following (if you already have a board manager URL just add a comma before pasting) Thanks David-one of the Arduino founders for writing the code! <p>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json</p> Press "OK" at the bottom then restart the Arduino IDE Step 2: Install the ATtiny Board Package From the Arduino IDE go to Tools--> Board-->Boards Manager A new tab will open and at the top of the tab type: attiny Select Install on...